Thank you for choosing to consider St. Michaels University School for your child's start in Kindergarten.
Our hope for every child is that they are given the skills and supports to begin their academic journey in a truly joyful way.
Kindergarten at SMUS is thoughtfully designed to provide young learners a great foundation in reading, writing and arithmetic, while giving them myriad opportunities to explore their world through arts, athletics, outdoor education and more. Children of all ages are capable and full of potential, and our program helps each student find that within themselves. Our program also prioritizes character education and making sure your child continues to develop skills such as communication, creativity, collaboration and kindness.
Kindergarten at SMUS will set your child up to love learning and will get them excited for the academic journey ahead of them.
About Kindergarten at SMUS
Students are exposed to so many “firsts” that are exciting to them and help instil the joy of learning as they transition into full-time school.
Play is blended with learning as they develop literacy and numeracy skills to ensure their sense of wonder naturally weaves in with their academic experience. They learn a mix of new foundational and motor skills, such as how to hold a pencil, how to write their name and how to be a good friend.
While this year is full of highlights as they experience so many new things, one of the best parts of being a Kindergarten student at SMUS is building relationships with other students, including designated time spent with the Grade 12s who were once in their shoes.
By the end of Kindergarten, your child will be reading, writing and will have some numeracy skills, and they will be proud of themselves for their growth this year. Your child will amaze you by being able to demonstrate the huge development they’ve made on such skills as independence, communication, self-regulation, collaboration, resilience and creativity. Your child will have had fun every single day in Kindergarten so they are a happy learner who loves being at school. Your child is well-prepared for the next 12 years of schooling and to be a lifelong learner.