Our Donors
The Power of Participation drives our culture of philanthropy at SMUS. Thanks to our donors, SMUS would not be the place it is today without your continued philanthropic support!
We are proud to recognize those donors who have donated to the Annual Fund in 2023-24, as well as those who have contributed to our Journey for Life Capital Campaign. See the Annual Report Card for a list of contributors, in addition to the lists below.
SMUS Giving Levels
Floreat Circle: $1,000,000 +
Vivat Circle: $500,000 - 999,999
Magnum Circle: $250,000 - 499,999
Bonum Circle: $100,000 - 249,999
Ivy Circle: $50,000 - 99,999
Head's Circle: $25,000 - 49,999
Crest Circle: $10,000 - 24,999
School Ties Circle: up to $9,999

Anonymous (36)
Jose Abad-Garcia and family
Eliot Anderson and Becky Anderson
Julie Ashton
Rob Ashwin and Jenifer Chilcott
Jinwoo Baek '02
Wayne Bai and Jenny Gan
Gary Barber
Christopher Bateman '94
Robert Bateman and Birgit Bateman
Danielle Beare and Jonathan Beare
William Beeston and Valerie Beeston
Cathy Beglau
Sean Bell '02
Shelly Berlin and Richard Eaton
Denis Berntsen and Jannie Berntsen
The Bohmann Family
James Booth
Seamus Brennan and Julie Brennan
Lisa Brent and Keith Haberl
Karl-Eric Briere and Christine Liao
David Buchan '71
Joshua Burke '92
Peter Butterfield
Barbara Cade-Menun '82 and Charles Menun
Weizhong Cai and Ping Ye
Xiuhuan Cai and Peigui Zheng
Harry Cai and Linda Zhuang
Roslyn Cameron
Ruilin Cao and Ting Yu
Dennis Carson '06
Katherine Cathrea and Michael Cathrea
Deanna Catto and Mark Catto
Reid Chambers '99
Donald Chan and Shirley Zhou
Wei Chang
Stephan Chapheau '99
Bill Chau and Vicky Jia
Ying Cheng
Chris Chong
Meng-Ju Chou and Eva Yang
George Clark '59 and Zandre Clark
Steve Clayton and Penelope Clayton
Alison Coelho and Wesley Coelho
Emmet P. Connolly Professional Corporation
Rory Connolly '01
Jennifer Couvelier Chhatwani '04 and Girish Chhatwani
Janine Cowie
James Crumpacker '63 and Anne Crumpacker
Tony Cui and Jade Han
William Cunningham '77
Johann Cunningham '76 and Sonja Ruthe
Ben Cunningham
Burke Cuppage '58
Richard Curry and Susanne Walker Curry
Reagan Daly and Aimee Daly
Clayton Daum and Amanda Daum
Kirsten Davel and Keith Davel
Pieter De Groot and Sheila Wynn
Tom Deakins
Lynette Delainey
Richard DeMerchant
Valerie Denike '86
Ryan Dewar
Brent Dewar and Carolina Nakiri
Ajit Dhillon '07 and Melissa Dhillon
Karen Dicks
Jerry Divoky and Pilar Divoky
Tim Dolden and Gaia Dolden
Fiona Donald '82 and Colin Reed
Gillian Donald '85 and Steve Gilroy
James and Sheree Dooner
Caryn Drabitt
Michael Drew
Keith Driscoll and Michelle Driscoll
Mark Drum '64
Renee Dugan '90
Jennifer Duguid '93 and Shane Wilson
Colin Dykes '66 and Linda Dykes
Christopher Dyson '90 and Elena Kazimirova
Shafiq Ebrahim and Alisha Arora
John Edgar and Heidi Edgar
Brad Edgington and Kim Edgington
Mark Ely '81 and Denise Ely
John Esling
Helio Estevez
Matthew Evans and Kelsey Mills
Yecai Fan and Amy Chen
Craig Farish '90
Ian Farish '89 and Tanis Farish
Bruce Farquharson and Gail Lastiwka
Susan Findlay
Eric Findlay '00
Keven Fletcher and Jennifer Fletcher
George Floyd
Richard Fraser K.C. and Catherine Fraser
Adrian French and Michelle Worth
Evan Fryer
Dr. Chanel Gallant and Cameron Lewis
Greg Ganz and Heather Clark
Christy Gao
Peter Gardiner and Jane Gardiner
Mathew Geddes '93 and Lindsay Brooke
Stephanie Geehan '95
Peter Genge '65 and Sharon Genge
Patrick Gill '97 and Amyrose McCue Gill '96
Robert Gill and Susan Gill
Emeterio Gomez and Jimena Orendain
David Gong and Jean Cheng
Sally Green
Anup Grewal and Devon Grewal
Jessie Guan and Floria Shen
Feng Li and Pei Guan
Eddie Gudewill '06
Nick Gudewill
Cathy Guo and Nick Liu
Sarah Hagkull '16
Andrew Hall '71
Bill Harper and Terry Harper
Jeremy Harris '92
Barret Hatton '93
Brandon Hawes
Gillian Hayden '05
Jay Hayden and Kate Ramsden-Hayden
George He
Eric Heffernan '73 and Kathleen Heffernan
Justin Henry and Cindy Henry
John Herpers '64 and Nancy Herpers
Chris Hibbins '94 and Michele Hibbins
Shannon Hill '85 and Greg Southgate '84
Dave Hlannon
Jennifer Hlannon
Bruce '73, Zoe and Patrick Holms
Wenyi Hou
Jane Howard and Gary McCoey
Matthew Howard and Gabriele Howard
Kevin Hsu and Priscilla Pang
Andy Hu and Stephy Zhang
Yuxiu Huang
Po-Tsang Huang and Chia-Chien Tsai
Tristan Huang
Cyrus Hui and Tiffany Chiang
Alice Mary Humphreys
Ian Hyde-Lay
Michael Ikonomou and Vicky Ikonomou
Stephen and Edwina Ingle
Alexander Isphording '04
John Izard '66 and Janet Izard
Zyoji Jackson
Karen Jawl '99
David Jawl '02 and Courtney Jawl
Michael Jawl '76 and Kathy Jawl
Rod Jiang and Panda Isarasakdi
Jasper Johnston '16
Raechel Jones
Evan Jones
Claire Jones Royce '00 and Jonathan Royce
Daniel Jost '84
Leah Judd
Biki Kang and Nisha Gill
Hiroyuki Kato and Wakako Kato
Philip Kayal '90 and Jennifer Kayal
David Kerr
Stuart Kerr '93 and Sarah Carver
Laura Keziere
Reed Kipp '02
Deborah Knopp
Mark Knudsen and Sarah Fisken
Jianfeng Lai and Yiren Wu
Nicole (Edgar) Laird '07 and Philip Laird
Scott Lake and Jess Lake (The All One Fund)
Paul Lam and Packie Lam
Denise Lamarche and Daniel Pontefract
Alexis Lang Lunn
Leigh Large
Raymond Lau and Winnie Leung
Ian Lawler and Dee Lawler
Lawrence Leake '86 and Yukako Leake
Tanya Lee
Rebecca Lee and Jeffrey Tam
Jonathan Lee
Joyce Lee and Paul Lee
Kevin Lee and Paula Lee
Peter Leggatt
Joe LeRoy and Claire Miller
Raymond Li and Xing Chen
Gloria Wang and Frank Li
Na Li
Graham Lilly
Jackson Lin and Peijun Lin
Hong Lin and Xiaoling Sun
Ben Lin
Xuesong Liu and Grace Zhang
Mark Liu and Anki Zhang
Kevin Liu and Jane Xu
Jiannan Liu and Kairong Zhang
Tessa Lloyd
Yen-Ni Lo and Chien-Liang Tsao
Steve Lobb '96 and Josie Lobb
David P. Longridge '60
David Longridge '88 and Gretchen Longridge
Rita Lord and Derek Cockburn
Matt Lu and Tracy Cui
Leon Luo and Amanda Wang
Susan MacDonald
Robin MacLeod '63
Jennifer Mao and Chris Mao
Katie Marti
Howard Martin
Ryusuke Matsui '95 and Junko Matsui
Philip McCune '83 and Jill McCune
Peter McLeod and Lynda McLeod
Kyla McLeod
Shauna McRanor
Toshiaki Megumi and Miki Megumi
Naomi Melo '92 and Mike Mellow
Kevin Mennie
Annemarie Middleton '86
Laura Miller
Anthony Mo and Nicole Chiu
Barbara Moore
Andrew Moore '86
John Moralde
Emery Moses
David Motherwell '84 and Sharleen Hoar
Dr. Ian Mugridge
Neil Mulholland '88 and Carolynn Mulholland
Michael Murgatroyd and Signi Murgatroyd
Robert Murphy and Brenda Murphy
Chihaya Nakayama
Paul Neate
Nicky Newsome
Lisa Ng
Chris Noel '98
Wendy Shergold O'Dwyer and Frank O'Dwyer
Koji Ohara and Rie Ohara
Bill Olafson '66
Marc Owen-Flood and Belinda Owen-Flood
Takako Parmar and Satyajeet Parmar
Megan Parry and Jason Kuzminski
Irvin Pathak and Alka Pathak
Dr. Paramesha Pillay and Sadhna Premlal
Pittam Family
Naomi Pope and Gary Lau
Lynn Porteous
Thomas Pressello and Christina Kay '89
Richard Primrose
Teresa Pryce and Mario Baff
Linda Rajotte and Bindon Kinghorn
Eric Randall '86
Gareth Rees '85 and Denise Rees
Tom Rigos '61 and Sue Rigos
James Rigos '60 and Doreen Rigos
Aya Robinson
Ryan Robinson '91 and Deanne Robinson
Chris Rolfe and Cheryl Carters-Rolfe
John Ross and Tamara Ross
Kelly Rowan
Richard Roy '53
Andrew Sabiston '82 and Stephanie Martin
Salomon Robinson Family Foundation
Donald and Jeanette Sawyer
Alicia Schlag
Shauna Schwarz '88
Justin Shah and Lisa Shah
John Shandro and Amita Modi-Shandro
Sasan Shariaty and Mona Mazgani
Alvin Sheng '03
Tia Sibbald
Dr. R.A. Singh
David Sly
Aaron Smart and Liberty Smart '03
Stephen Smith and Mary Smith
Robert Snowden and Joan Snowden
Billy So
Ashley Solmer Hantho '09
Eric Song and Maggie Wang
Tony Southwell and Darlene Southwell
Chris Spicer '70 and Alex Spicer
Ian Stark and Lilibeth Stark
Shawn Steele and Rebecca Steele
Nicholas Stipp '99
Geoffrey Streitel and Leith Anderson
Christof Sturany
Jason Sturgis '93 and Stephanie Sturgis '95
Ramon Sun and Grace Pan
Kathryn Swangard
Robert J. Swangard MD '58
Philip Symons '55
Michael Symons '63 and Lee Symons
Chris Talbot '87 and Pamela Talbot
Jeff Taylor
Ryan Taylor '11 and Elena Havas
Wayne Thompson and Leslie Thompson
David Thomson
Tara Toller
Gordon Tolman '69
Kazuhiro Tomita
Chris Travis '80 and Nerissa Travis
Nicole Tripp
Mark Turner
Susan Vachon and Dominic Albert
Lindy Van Alstine
Nicholas van der Westhuizen and Carmel Shennan
Linda Vanderdonck
Wim Vanderspek '79
Joanna Verano
Jessica Vitrouk and Arkady Vitrouk
Brenda Waksel
Michael Walsh
Linda Wang
Felix Gao and Rachel Wang
Yongmin Wang and Ping Chen
Feng Wang and Tong Pei
Michael Webb and Patricia Webb
Tiffany Webber
Dr. Tina Webber Inc.
David Wees
James Wenman '66 and Deborah Adam
Robert White '60 and Militza White
Kevin Whiteside and Lesley Whiteside
James Wilkinson and Nyree Hansen
James Williams and Marilyn Bater
Allister Wilmott '95 and Vanessa Silva Aristi
Robert Wilson and Sarah Wilson
David Wilson '97 and Michelle Butler '97
Robert Wilson
Dale Windrem '62
Gus Wippell and Kimberley Williams
The Wirk Family
Nick Withers and Heather Withers
Eron Wong '36 in honour of his grandparents Michael and Helen Sun
Hengjun Wu and Rita Jiang
Russell Xu and Theresa Wang
Nora Yang '24
Tiger Yao and Celia Zheng
Doris Yip '01
Anne Young
Tommy Yu and Cindy Zhong
Qibin Yu and Su Chen
Warren Yu '79 and Betty Yu
John Zabaneh
Gang Yin and Jennifer Zhan
James Zhang and Emily Wang
Bo Zhang and Li Li Cheng
Shuo Zhang and Yan Sun
Mr. Yuguo Zhao & Mrs. Na Jiang
Jian Wen Zhao and Lara Liu
Jane Zheng

The Gwyn Morgan and Patricia Trottier Foundation
The Estate of Richard Hawkesworth '61
Brian ’71, Roslyn, and Ann Cameron
Michael Jawl '76 and Kathy Jawl
Karen Jawl ‘99
Robert Jawl ’00 and Shara Jawl
Bradley Jawl ’02 and Ashley Jawl
Mohan Jawl and Kathy Jawl
The Hon. Anthony Quainton '51* and Susan Quainton
Tom Rigos '61 and Sue Rigos
Anup Grewal and Devon Grewal
The Quail Rock Foundation and Harper Family
David Longridge '88 and Gretchen Longridge
SMUS Parents' Auxiliary Society
Scott Travelbea and Jennifer Travelbea
Anonymous (2)
Bronwen Campbell
Rod Couvelier ’71 and Debbie Couvelier
Karnel Jawl and Mindy Jawl
Dan Sheehan and Leslie Shewring
Travis Lee ’88 and Linda Lee
John Pollen and Shara Campsall
Mary Ann Pollen
Michael Pollen and Dana (Pollen) Stevulak
Xia Wang
Paul Flanagan and Cathy Dixon
Doug Freeman '88
Ann Glazier Rothwell '85 and Alex Rothwell
Jesse Guan and Flora Shen
The Kliman Family
Kim Lobb '98 and Jordan Tessarolo
Neil Mulholland '88 and Carolynn Mulholland
Marc Owen-Flood and Belinda Owen-Flood
Grant Pittam and SanSan Li Pittam
School Ties
Karl-Eric Briere and Christine Liao
Kyman Chan '85 and Patricia Chan
Nicole Chi and Rita Lin
Kevin Crawford and Tanya Crawford
Graeme Crothall and Kathy Crothall
Slobodan Djurickovic and Elisa Djurickovic
Daniel Duke '88 and Sheila Duke
Richard Eaton and Shelly Berlin
Shafiq Ebrahim and Alisha Arora
Peter Finamore '73 and Wen Finamore
Adrian French and Michelle Worth
Dr. Chanel Gallant and Cameron Lewis
David Hancock '72
Shannon Hill '85 and Greg Southgate '84
Kevin Lee and Paula Lee
Spencer Lee and Emma Lou Lee
Zhong Hui Liao and Fxeng Ming Li
Steven Lobb '96 and Josie Lobb
Paul Longridge '60
Philip McCune '83 and Jill McCune
Jeffrey Mitchelmore '04 and Jennifer Mitchelmore
Tom Pressello and Christina Kay '89
Michael Symons ‘63 and Lee Symons
Chris Talbot '87 and Pamela Talbot
Timken-Sturgis Foundation
Michael Webb and Patricia Webb
*If you notice an omission or error please contact us so that we can make a correction