Junior School Academic Approach
Learning at our Junior School is done in a way that allows students to explore passions and interests to help them develop a love for being at school.
Curiosity and the joy of learning is at the heart of our academic experience. We encourage students to ask questions, try new things and take ownership over their learning. Our classrooms are not quiet static rooms, but rather dynamic spaces where movement, collaboration and hands-on learning are the norm.
We keep our class sizes deliberately small with a ratio of one degreed teacher for every six students.
Reggio-Emilia Philosophy
Reggio-Emilia believes children are curious and capable learners who express themselves in many ways. This approach to education creates time and space for students to explore and express their interests in meaningful ways. The result is a high level of engagement and a lifelong passion for learning. Under this approach, each child has three teachers: parents, school teachers and the physical environment in which they learn.
Students learn in different ways and at different paces. Assessment is tied to the BC Ministry of Education standards, known as curricular competencies. These standards make it clear what students are expected to know and be able to do at each grade level and in each subject.
When we assess students, we measure them against these standards. This approach allows each student to demonstrate their learning in a way that works for them. It also allows our teachers to focus on each learner as an individual.