School Traditions
SMUS has a number of wonderful traditions, many of which were inherited from our founding schools and continue even after more than a century.

School Colours
Red, black and blue. Blue and black were the school colours of St. Michael's School, while University School used black and red. When the two schools amalgamated in 1971, St. Michaels University School adopted all three colours.

School Crest
The original crests of University School, with the martlets and the book on the left, and St. Michael's School, with the chevron and stars on the right, were combined to create the current-day crest of St. Michaels University School. Read more about the history of our school crest.

School Cheer
"Vivat!" Which means "long live the school!"
School Song
"Vivat - Universitas!" Written by Captain R.V. Harvey with music by Leslie Conyers as the school song for University School, it was adopted after amalgamation with modified lyrics contributed by Cyril Genge. Junior School celebrates its special link to St. Michael's School each year by including the St. Michael's School Hymn in their closing ceremonies.

Ice Cream Day
On June 2, every SMUS student enjoys free ice cream. Why? Because on June 2, 1931, Kyrle C. Symons, who founded St. Michael's School in 1910, celebrated his 50th birthday by treating the whole school to ice cream. This annual tradition continues, with alumni returning to hand out ice cream at all three schools.

The Boot Game
As the season-opening rugby match between cross-town rivals SMUS and Oak Bay High School, the Boot Game is always an exciting affair. The Boot Game debuted in 1995, to celebrate the wonderful rugby rivalry between the two schools, and the winner of the match takes home the Rees Boot, which is a bronzed shoe from SMUS alumnus and Canadian rugby icon Gareth Rees.

Remembrance Day Service
Our Remembrance Day Service is one of the most important traditions at our school. Every year, we read aloud the 134 names of students and faculty who lost their lives during the First and Second World Wars. It is important for us as a community to never forget their names, and to pay our respect to them. University School founder Capt. R.V. Harvey's letter to students in 1914 is also read during the service. It was his last letter to the school before he went off to war. Remembrance Day services can be viewed on the SMUS YouTube channel.