Senior School student Tina Wang '25 stands in front of steps at school house

In the bustling halls of SMUS, where creativity and academic excellence intertwine, a young artistic voice is emerging. Tina Wang '25 has recently captured the attention of the literary world with her poignant piece Snapshots. Her writing clinched second place out of more than 350 entries in the prestigious Vancouver Writers Festival’s Youth Writing Contest this past summer.

What began as just a class assignment, bloomed into a touching narrative that clearly resonated with judges and readers alike. Tina's inspiration for Snapshots came from a deeply personal place – her relationship with her grandfather, who had recently moved from China to Canada. This familial bond became the emotional core of her story, allowing her to weave a narrative that felt both intimate and universal.

The Power of Descriptive Storytelling

Tina's approach to storytelling is rooted in vivid imagery, a skill that helped elevate her class assignment into award-winning work. This attention to detail is evident in Snapshots, where Tina employed a vignette style to capture moments in time, creating a tapestry of memories that resonate with readers. Her dedication to descriptive writing is clear in the way she crafts each scene.

"I like stories that are very descriptive because I think they bring you in more," she shared. "Little details are things you will remember and will carry with you. It makes a story more impactful."

This emphasis on the power of description has become a hallmark of Tina's writing, setting her apart from her peers, while her growth as a writer is strongly supported by the academic environment at SMUS.

"I took AP Language [English Language and Composition] last year, which I wrote the piece for, and that was a really big factor in me writing the piece and just me pursuing more writing," reflected Tina.

Looking to the Future

Following this nod from the Vancouver Writers Festival, Tina is now turning her attention to harnessing her passion for storytelling towards an academic and professional path.

"I think I want to pursue something like the social sciences," Tina mused as she considered writing as a tool for exploring complex ideas and issues. "Essay writing would be a big part of it, but maybe more towards the research side." 

Tina's success is not just a personal achievement but a testament to the power of nurturing environments and the potential that lies within every student. With her keen eye for detail, her ability to capture the essence of human experiences, and the unwavering support of her school, Tina Wang is poised for a bright future – one snapshot at a time.