Do you know an amazing student who would be a great fit for SMUS? The Best School Year Ever® scholarship contest is back, and this year we’re awarding four boarding scholarships to give North American students the opportunity to live and learn at SMUS. You can help make next year The Best School Year Ever for amazing students by sharing this opportunity.

Two students will win a full boarding scholarship, worth $65,000, for the 2021-22 school year. There are also two finalist prizes each worth $45,000.

Entering the contest is simple. This year we are asking students to answer three questions for the initial entry, and then our semi-finalists will be asked to make a short video (no more than three minutes long!) to share with us to help our judges select the finalists.

Visit The Best School Year Ever website for full contest details.

The contest closes December 6, 2020.

Do you know a student who would be a great fit at SMUS?

Make next year The Best School Year Ever for them. Help spread the word about the contest by sharing this post via Facebook, Twitter or email!