As Senior and Middle School students have been busy with musicals, athletics and preparations for Spring Break plans, they have also been encouraged to cast their minds ahead to September and a new year of study. The Academic Advising team has held sessions with all Grade 8 to 11 students to walk them through the course and program options for next year, and presented information to parents on Monday, March 11 at the Course Information Event. All returning students were asked to make their initial course requests on SDS by March 13 and students will be supported to finalize those requests in April with guidance from their Academic Advisor. If students didn’t make their initial requests before Spring Break, they will still be able to make their course selections during the month of April without penalty.
As part of the process, students have been guided to explore and identify their interests and strengths, and to think how they might stretch themselves in those areas while also trying something new. On April 4, all Grade 10 and 11 students will have the chance to try out four different classes in “Taster Lessons”, 25-minute sample lessons in Grade 11, 12 and AP courses. They will also be able to talk with current students in those classes and seek the advice of our Grade 12 students who have the wisdom of hindsight to offer.
There are several changes to Grade 11 and 12 courses this fall as we enter the final implementation year of the new curriculum in British Columbia. As a result, we have revised all our course descriptions in the Course Handbook. We encourage all students and parents to refresh and update their knowledge about the academic offerings.
The Academic Advisors will continue to meet individually with all Grade 10 and 11 students throughout the month of April to finalize their selections by April 30. Grade 8 and 9 students are encouraged to contact Ms. Jenn Bateman, the Grade 9 Academic Advisor, if they would like to set up an individual meeting to discuss their plan. Parents are welcome to take part in those meetings, whether that be in person, on the phone or virtually.
Please contact your daughter/son’s Academic Advisor with any questions.