Financial aid plays a key part in our community. Supporting financial aid helps ensure that all deserving students have the opportunity to benefit from a SMUS education, regardless of financial circumstances.
In this series, we will share personal stories from alumni who were able to attend SMUS, in part thanks to generous donors who supported financial aid. It is their hope, and ours, that their experiences and gratitude will inspire others to support this important campaign and make the difference for deserving students today.
Chanel Khuu ‘21
"I was able to attend SMUS because of The Best School Year Ever contest. That scholarship not only paid my entire Grade 11 year but it introduced me to SMUS in the first place. I never thought I would attend an independent school, as it is not a big thing in Alberta where I am from. My parents also thought if you work hard, it doesn’t matter what school you go to, therefore they would not have sent me to SMUS on their own.
Financial support made SMUS possible for me by giving me the chance to experience SMUS and see all the opportunities that were offered. I would not have been able to go to SMUS without financial assistance.
The most memorable part of SMUS was definitely the boarding community. I met the most amazing friends, and just living my daily life in boarding made me more well-rounded, knowledgeable and grateful. To be able to call people from all over the world and people in different grades my brothers and sisters is something that I will never forget. My time in boarding also made me more independent.
Mme. Brown was my French teacher in Grade 11 and I was always excited to go to her class. She taught us that high school and university do not have to be as stressful as people make it seem. I learned so much in her class, yet I was never losing sleep over an assignment or stressed when I was behind. She valued a positive attitude and our mental health over our grades and she looked for what we did right so we could keep doing that, not what we did wrong.
Now, I am studying fashion at Ryerson University in Toronto. I have SMUS to thank for my ability to befriend anyone and everyone. I think living in boarding prepared me for the large and diverse amount of people that I have encountered in university and in the world as well. It also taught me how to live without my parents and to live with a roommate. No one is holding your hand anymore and you have to know how to stand up for yourself and do things for yourself. I am also grateful that I was surrounded by hard-working students at SMUS because I have developed a strong work ethic that I have found really useful so far. "
Thank you, Chanel, for lending your voice in support of financial aid, and to our SMUS community for your generosity.
Financial Aid February
February is Financial Aid February at St. Michaels University School. This month we turn to the importance of accessibility to the school through financial aid.
Please join all the other SMUS community members, past and present, who have helped young people attend our school and enjoy a world-class education.
Please visit our website to make your donation now to financial aid at SMUS.