We bring you an article from The Jag, the SMUS student-led school newspaper.
SMUS is a vibrant community filled with friendly and welcoming people. The rigorous program at SMUS along with all of the sports and many co-curricular activities students have to choose from can bring a struggle finding a balance in sports, activities, academics and time for yourself and your social life. After interviewing a border and day student at SMUS here are some tips and tricks you can use to help find balance in your school life.
Planning ahead of time as well as being organized was found to be very helpful to finding a balance between her sports and academics as well as her social life. She found this helped declutter her thoughts and she was able to make plans quickly because of how organized she was for each day! Before the day even began she knew what she needed to do and accomplish. This can be done creating a digital or printed calendar, having a separate binder for each class or having one with dividers, writing down the homework you have to complete and its due date in a planner or journal and reducing clutter
Use SMUS support systems!
Both borders and day students find that SMUS’s support systems offer a lot of help. This includes academic advisor and morning prep.
Academic advisors: Meeting with your academic advisor is an excellent way to help students figure out a realistic plan for their future and options after high school. These are big decisions students have to make with a lot of pressure and SMUS offers great academic advisors to help guide you through this process
Morning Prep: Every day before classes begin teachers are usually available for one on ontime if you are behind or are in need of extra help.
Find time for yourself!
Finding time for yourself in your busy schedule is really important for your wellbeing. This can be by taking time to do something you love, spending time with a family member, reading a book, sleeping in, going on a walk, meditating, journaling and so on. It is important to adhere to these simple practices and find time in the day for you to do this because practicing self care will help you find a balance in your life improving your wellbeing, increase optimism and insure your not burning yourself out with assignments and activities.
Don’t Miss the Latest Edition of The Jag
Looking for something fun and informative to brighten your day? Check out the second edition of The Jag, the SMUS student-led school newspaper! From this article above to Mr. Geddes hilariously breaking down math concepts for a "10-year-old" to other engaging stories; there’s something for everyone.
A big thank you to the editors, Julian Gale, Mira Wirk, and Kayler Kim, for their hard work and creativity.