Shelly Berlin, MBA (UBC), is a certified management consultant and executive coach with over 30 years experience, consulting to the public, not-for-profit and private sectors. In addition to consulting with and coaching senior executives in the BC government, Berlineaton has a niche market in independent schools. Shelly has advised over 35 independent schools across Canada in the area of strategy development and execution, including working closely with Canadian Accredited Independent Schools (CAIS) in developing its most recent strategic plan.
Shelly chairs the Advancement and Risk Management Committees and is a member of Executive Committee. She played a key role in the development of Floreat 2020-2030, SMUS’ strategic plan, having chaired that committee during its creation.
Recently, Shelly completed the Competent Board’s ESG (Environment, Social Governance) Designation, a 24-week program focused on developing ESG competencies for board directors and senior business leaders. Shelly and Richard have two children in the Senior School at SMUS, Kat Eaton and Tommy Eaton. She lives with her family and a menagerie of pets in Victoria, BC.