Chris Talbot is a former technology business executive and Founder of Qualcomm Life. He helped grow Qualcomm Life to become the world’s leading medical device information platform with revenues exceeding $130M and over 400 employees worldwide. In 2019, Qualcomm Life was sold to private equity, then to Philips Healthcare for over $800 million, at which time Chris retired. Chris also co-founded the joint investment company dRx Capital, in partnership between Qualcomm and Novartis with $130M in investments focused on the digital therapeutics space. Prior to that, Chris was Vice President at Qualcomm, Inc. and a business executive at Canada’s leading space company, MDA Ltd.
Chris has been an advisor to over fifty philanthropic projects around the world, focused on the application of technology to improve access to and quality of healthcare. This includes work with the Qualcomm Foundation, X-Prize Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum.
Chris spent an ESU Scholarship year at Tonbridge School in the UK before earning his BComm Degree from McGill and his MBA from UBC.
Chris is an alumni and former Lifer at SMUS. He and his wife Pamela live in Victoria and are parents of Oliver Talbot ’28.