Chanelle Bertelsen, Director of Marketing and Communications

As the school year draws to a close, I find myself on the precipice of an extraordinary experience. It is a moment that fills my heart with nostalgia, excitement, and an overwhelming sense of gratitude: returning to SMUS as an alumnus and the Director of Marketing and Communications. The path which led me here has given me a unique perspective on the passage of time, and the interconnectedness of our lives. Witnessing SMUS bid farewell through the graduation of the Kindergarten students, who were just beginning their SMUS experience as I was leaving 12 years ago, feels like a journey full circle, bridging the gap between my past and present.

Memories flood back as I walk through the familiar hallways, where echoes of laughter intermingle with the excited footsteps of today’s students. What a humbling experience to witness the transformation of the students I once shared a school with, into confident graduates, ready to take on the world. Their growth, accomplishments, journeys, and university acceptances remind me of the timeless values instilled in us as students at SMUS and the enduring impact of a positive and nurturing community.

Returning to SMUS was something that I could not have predicted. Coming back to the school I know and love is not merely a professional endeavour, but an opportunity to lend my skills and passion to a community which shaped my character and enriched my life. The chance to contribute to the legacy of a school that holds such a special place in my heart is its own reward. Through our work, the Marcom team and I aim to amplify the stories and achievements of our students, faculty, and alumni, allowing the wider world to witness the remarkable effect SMUS has on individuals and society.

One of the most fulfilling aspects of my role is the ability to connect the past and present, weaving a narrative spanning generations. Through interviews, articles, and so much more, the Marketing and Communications department bridges the gap between yesterday’s and today’s students, fostering a sense of unity and shared experience. It is an incredible honour to witness the joy and excitement of graduation as students begin their next adventure. By cultivating, celebrating, and sharing stories, we create a legacy that reverberates through time, reminding us that we are all part of something greater. And maybe, just maybe, one or two of our recently graduating students will find their way back, and share their story as well.